Package-level declarations


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data object Aborted : AxpSdkError

Error for the case where the user manually aborted the operation.

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This object represents the different API regions that your application can connect to.

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data class AxpFailureResult<T>(val error: AxpSdkError) : AxpResult<T>

Result type returned when an operation has failed.

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Enumerated type for the possible AXP modules.

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abstract class AxpOmniSdk

Entry point for applications to configure and use the SDK.

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sealed class AxpResult<T>

Result type returned from operations that can succeed or fail.

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interface AxpSdkConfig

Application-visible view of the current configuration for the AXP SDK.

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interface AxpSdkError
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open class AxpSdkException(message: String) : RuntimeException

Common base class for exceptions thrown by the SDK.

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data class AxpSuccessResult<T>(val value: T) : AxpResult<T>

Result type returned when an operation has succeeded.

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data class BadRequest(val detail: String? = null) : AxpSdkError

Generic error for the 400 response code, returned when there's not a more specific error to be reported for it.

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abstract class ConfigParameterException(val parameterName: String, detailMessage: String) : AxpSdkException

Common base class for exceptions thrown due to a problem with an SDK config parameter.

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data class ConstraintViolation(val violations: Set<String>) : AxpSdkError

A problem that indicates a syntactically correct, yet semantically illegal request. The Server can not process this request until the client resolves the semantic errors described in the violations section.

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interface Conversation

A user's interaction with AXP, often for a single topic.

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typealias DialogId = String
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typealias EngagementId = String
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Error for the case where an engagement is not found.

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fun interface FieldChangedListener<T>

Listener interface used for Java applications that can't observe a Kotlin Flow directly.

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data object Forbidden : AxpSdkError

Error for the 403 response code - the user is not authorized to access the resource.

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typealias IntegrationId = String
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Error for the 500 response code - the server encountered an internal problem and could not process the request.

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class InvalidConfigParameterException(val parameterName: String, val parameterValue: String, val extra: String? = null) : ConfigParameterException

Exception thrown for an SDK config parameter that is invalid.

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data class JsonParseError(val message: String) : AxpSdkError

Error for the case where the JSON response from AXP could not be parsed successfully.

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typealias JWT = String
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fun interface JwtProvider

Interface implemented by applications to access a valid JWT for the SDK using the connection to their own application server.

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typealias MessageId = String
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data class MissingMandatoryParameter(val parameter: String, val location: String) : AxpSdkError

Error for the case where a response from the server is missing a value that is expected to be present.

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Error for the case where a response from the server was expected to have a body, but there was no body.

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Error for the case where an operation failed due to an error contacting AXP across the network.

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Error for the case when there are no items to the variable you are accessing.

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Enumerated type for the order by options when fetching a list of items.

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interface PageIterator<T>

Iterator which iterates over elements of type T in a paginated way. Elements are ordered in a most recent first manner i.e. each subsequent page will have older elements of type T.

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interface Participant

Data about a participant in an AXP session.

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typealias ParticipantId = String
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interface ResponseHandler<T : Any>

Interface for handling asynchronous results fom API operations.

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Enumerated type for the possible optional configuration items for the SDK.

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typealias SessionId = String
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Error for the case where a user session is not found.

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Error for the 401 response code - the user is not authenticated to access the resource.

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Catch-all for all other types of errors.

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interface UserSession


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const val SDK_VERSION: String

Version string for the AXP Omni SDK.